At Community Church Putney we collect different types of information about our users and members for the following reasons:
To provide a useful resource in the form of an online directory for church members.
To provide an interactive website where email is used to communicate with users.
To inform users and members of the church and church related events.
To ensure effective communication to enable the administration and running of the church.
To comply with financial, charity and safeguarding requirements.
To provide a security mechanism whereby we can restrict content to certain group users.
To carry out effective and supportive pastoral care, including conducting meaningful ceremonies.
To help monitor and improve the service we offer.
We are committed to protecting your privacy. We will not share your information with others without your consent.
We will respect you email and postal privacy. You will only received communication form Community Church Putney in relation to areas you have expressly signed up for. All church members and Community Group members receive our regular news bulletin vis email or post - should you wish to unsubscribe from this you can do this at anytime by contacting the church office.
We will not share individual user details (including your email address) to any third party without your consent.
Community Church Putney has a Data Controller who is responsible for the safe and legal maintenance of data processing.
We collect information on users through registration. The minimum information we need to register a user is your first and last name, your email address and a password.
We also ask for some further, voluntary information so that we can provide a fuller and more useful members directory.
We also collect addresses for members and those eligible for gift aid in order to comply with charity and financial requirements.
We also record some financial information to enable the processing of Gift Aid claims.
On occasion, in consultation with you, we may record other sensitive data for the purpose of providing pastoral care. This information will only be shared with those involved in your pastoral care and only with your consent (see pastoral care policy).
You have control over whether or not your details are viewable in the online directory. If included only other church members can see this information. Email addresses, only, will be visible to non-church members who are in the same Community Group or Serving Rota; it is not public.
Community Church staff and ministry team leaders will still be able to view your information if you opt out of the members directory.
Currently we use ChurchSuite for our personal data. All of ChurchSuite uses SSL encryption, meaning that all the data passing between your computer and ours does so using 256-bit military grade encryption, making it nearly impossible for anyone else to see what you are sending. SSL is an industry standard technology and one you’re probably familiar with if you use online banking. Using this system each individual is responsible for keeping their information up to
Our financial and pastoral information is stored on a computer in the office that is protected by AVG security packages. Each computer is password protected and personal data files are individually password protected.
On occasion data may be transmitted in paper form. This is only distributed to those who need to see this for legal and accountability purposes.
Where information is no longer required, electronic data is to be erased ensuring that temporary files and any backups are also erased, and paper records are shredded.
Community church Putney will monitor any personal data kept by the church every year and will remind people of the need to update their info where necessary.
Registration as a user implies consent to keep and process the data given in accordance with this policy. This includes information recorded for children and young people attending events conducted by Community Church Putney (e.g. Children’s and youth Sunday activities, Children’s holiday club, youth club).
Gift Aid declarations will be a record of consent to keep and process the information required for financial accountability.
Where other sensitive personal data is requested for pastoral and ceremonial purposes, written consent will be request either by email or letter.
Remember to close your web-browser when you have finished your session, and if you are logged on as a user, always log out before closing the browser. This is to ensure that others cannot access your personal information and correspondence, and is particularly important when using a public computer (library, shared office etc). You as an individual are responsible for the security and access to your own computer.
Please be aware that whenever you voluntarily disclose personal information over the internet that this information can be collected and used by others. In short, if you post personal information in publicly accessible online forums, you may receive unsolicited messages from the parties in return.
Ultimately you are solely responsible for maintaining the secrecy of your usernames, passwords and account information. Please be careful and responsible whenever you are using the internet.
Our pages may contain links to other websites, and you should be aware that we are not responsible for the privacy practices on other websites.
Employees and other subjects of personal data have the right to access any personal data being kept on them on computer and any paper-based data held in certain manual filing systems. This right is subject to certain exemptions: Personal Information may be withheld if the information relates to another individual.
All individuals who are subjects of personal data held by Community Church Putney are entitled to:
ask what information that Community Church Putney holds about them and why.
ask how to gain access to it.
be informed how to keep it up to date.
Any person who wishes this right should make the request in writing to the Data Controller using the standard letter available online at:
If personal details are incorrect, they can be amended on request.
Community Church Putney aims to comply with requests for access to personal information as quickly as possible, but will ensure that it is provided within 40 days of receipt of a completed form unless there is a good reason for delay. In such cases the reason for delay will be explained in writing to the individual.
Please contact us at