Welcome to this Come to Jesus Daily Devotional as we continue in our Luke, Exploring Who Jesus is series.
At present, I'm only posting on Mondays, Wednesdays and Fridays.
Today, from Luke 17:7-10, we reflect on how we are to seek to serve Jesus each day.
To watch this devotional, select the link below
‘“Suppose one of you has a servant plowing or looking after the sheep. Will he say to the servant when he comes in from the field, ‘Come along now and sit down to eat’? Won’t he rather say, ‘Prepare my supper, get yourself ready and wait on me while I eat and drink; after that you may eat and drink’? Will he thank the servant because he did what he was told to do? So you also, when you have done everything you were told to do, should say, ‘We are unworthy servants; we have only done our duty.’”’ (Luke 17:7-10)
In our last devotional, we reflected on how we, whilst being God’s children, are still to seek to be obedient servants of God. Today, let’s consider how we can seek to actually do this each day.
1. Prayer is serving God
When the disciples asked Jesus to teach them to pray, He gave them a structure that we often call The Lord’s Prayer:
‘“This, then, is how you should pray: “‘Our Father in heaven, hallowed be your name, your kingdom come, your will be done, on earth as it is in heaven. Give us today our daily bread. And forgive us our debts, as we also have forgiven our debtors. And lead us not into temptation, but deliver us from the evil one.”’ (Matthew 6:9-13)
Notice how, as we saw in the last devotional, that our relationship to God has become on of a child to a father. This is our new identity. However, notice how, even as children, we are still to serve Him as we pray “your kingdom come, your will be done.” The first way that we serve God each day is in prayer. Prayer and worship is an act of service. Many think of prayer as a poor use of precious time when they’ve got more important things to be getting on with! Too many of us think of our doing things for God, and practical acts, as more important than being with God in prayer. However, intimacy with God in prayer and worship is a joy to Him and the foundation of healthy living.
2. Prayer leads to serving God
Added to this, those who pray will be led by the Spirit into acts of service. Those who spend time with the Father, will have their hearts and wills adjusted to God’s will. Spending time in God’s presence transforms us. Also, as we pray throughout the day, we will be directed and led into God’s paths.
3. God’s word directs His servants
Finally, and very much linked to prayer, is the vital place of God’s word in directing us. Those who want to serve and obey God, must be led by His Word. A wonderful analogy on this is given in Psalm 119, where we are told:
‘Your word is a lamp for my feet, a light on my path. I have taken an oath and confirmed it, that I will follow your righteous laws.’ (Psalm 119:105-106)
Let’s pray together as we finish
“Father teach me to be your faithful servant. Teach me to serve in the ways that please you. Teach me to pray. Teach me to worship. Teach me to serve this world as an act of worship. Give me a heart for your glory. Amen.”
Community Group Notes
1. Notices
It might be good to begin with notices. Please share from this week’s Church News.
2. Icebreaker
How has God been speaking to you from His Word this week, and how has this helped you?
3. Worship together
Let’s begin our time together by lifting our eyes and hearts to worship our great God. Perhaps you have readings and songs that you would like to use together. Let’s be open to the gifts that the Spirit wants to give in order to encourage one another.
4. Study and pray together
On Sunday our message from Luke 17:7-10, was entitled, ‘Called to imitate Jesus as servants’. In summary, Jesus wants to teach us about whole-hearted service that is modelled on Him.
Please read Luke Luke 17:7-10 and discuss:
Did God speak to you about any from Sunday’s message that would encourage others?
How does one become a servant of God?
What is required of servants of God?
How do we become effective servants of whom it can be said, ‘you have done everything you were told’?
How do you feel that you would like to become more faithful in serving?
SIV - How will serving God wholeheartedly help to bring our community to Jesus?
SIV - Do we have any stories of how we have ‘Served, Invested, and inVited’ recently?
SIV - Spend some time together talking and praying about who and how you are seeking to bring your community to Jesus; alternatively, pray for the ‘people of peace’ that you regularly meet with.
Let’s pray together: Pray for one another out of our study together and for anything else for which people would like prayer.