Welcome to this Come to Jesus Daily Devotional as we begin our Christmas series, Emmanuel, where we are reflecting on the promises regarding God coming to us in Jesus. At present, I'm only posting on Mondays, Wednesdays and Fridays.
Today, from Isaiah 7:14, we reflect on the promise of Emmanuel, and what this ‘sign’ points to.
To watch this devotional, select the link below
‘“Therefore the Lord himself will give you a sign: The virgin will conceive and give birth to a son, and will call him Immanuel.”’ (Isaiah 7:14)
1. Emmanuel is a sign for the past and present
The title of Jesus as Emmanuel derives from the prophecy of Isaiah. Here, in the text we’ve read today, it speaks of The Lord giving ‘you a sign’.
This ‘sign’, as with much prophecy, had a present and future aspect; it had specific application for Isaiah’s day, whilst also, and principally, speaking of Jesus’ coming - it has a double-fulfilment.
Firstly, this sign was partially fulfilled when, as shown in the next chapter, we read of the birth of a child whom they name, ‘Maher-Shalal-Hash-Baz.’ - which means ‘quick to the plunder, swift to the spoil’. This child was a ‘sign’ of God’s judgement due to the unfaithfulness of God’s people. In that context, Emmanuel, meant God being ‘with us’ to judge and discipline.
Secondly, this sign is, principally, looking to the coming of Jesus - the only one who has been born of the virgin. This is whey we read in Matthew:
‘All this took place to fulfil what the Lord had said through the prophet: “The virgin will conceive and give birth to a son, and they will call him Immanuel” (which means “God with us”).’ (Matthew 1:23)
Jesus’ coming is a ‘sign’ to us. His coming is a sign that ‘God is with us’. For Isaiah, this was sign of judgement, for us ‘Emmanuel’ is a sign in a number of ways and here are three:
1. Emmanuel is a sign that God has not given up on this world
Jesus coming, is a sign that ‘God is with us’ in the sense that He’s not given up on this fallen world. We deserve judgement but God’s coming is a sign that He’s offering mercy and salvation in Jesus.
2. Emmanuel is a sign that God wants people to come to know Him
Jesus’ coming is a sign that God wants people to return to Him. Jesus’ name, ministry and commission, teach us that we can be confident that God wants to restore many.
3. Emmanuel is a sign that God is with His people and wants to lead them
Finally, Emmanuel - Jesus coming to us - is a sign that He’s with His people - His church. He’s among us. He wants to lead and to help us. However dark your circumstances or feelings, Jesus’ coming is a sign to you that God is with you and wants to help you.
Let’s pray together
“Lord Jesus, you are Emmanuel, you are God with us and with me. I am deserving of judgment, but you have come as a sign of love and grace. Help me to see the sign of what your coming means in a fresh way over this Christmas season. Amen.”
Community Group Notes
1. Notices
It might be good to begin with notices. Please share from this week’s Church News.
Let’s ensure that we are aware that we are carol singing in Roehampton on the 15th.
2. Icebreaker
How has God been speaking to you from His Word this week, and how has this helped you?
3. Worship together
Let’s begin our time together by lifting our eyes and hearts to worship our great God. Perhaps you have readings and songs that you would like to use together. Let’s be open to the gifts that the Spirit wants to give in order to encourage one another.
4. Study and pray together
On Sunday we continued in our Christmas series entitled ‘Emmanuel - God With Us’. During this series, we are reflecting on some of the Biblical promises regarding Jesus’ coming and His work.
On Sunday, from Isaiah 7:14 and Matthew 1:23, we considered what the promise of ‘Emanuel’ - God with us - means.
Please read Isaiah 7:14 and Matthew 1:23 and discuss:
Did God speak to you about anything from Sunday’s message that would encourage others?
What does the promise of God with us, fulfilled in Jesus mean for: God’s presence, power and peace?
How can can we live in, and enjoy the reality of, God’s presence more powerfully?
How do you think God wants you to respond to this promise of Emmanuel?
SIV - What does this promise tell us about our mission?
SIV - Do you have any encouraging stories to share - how have you served, invested and invited?
Let’s pray together: Pray for one another out of our study together and for anything else for which people would like prayer.