#1188. God’s word on mercy is unchanging (14/11/24)
From Luke 16:19-26, we reflect on how radical devotion to Jesus involves listening to Him regarding mercy.
#1188. God’s word on mercy is unchanging (14/11/24)
#1179. The son who stayed (1/11/24)
#1178. The lost son returns (31/10/24)
#1164. Famous in Bethlehem (11/10/24)
#1152. As a husband, Jesus loves His bride (25/9/24)
#1130. He continues His good work in us (27/8/24)
#1129. He began a good work in you (26/8/24)
#1127. As chosen and dearly loved (22/8/24)
#1122. God made His light shine in our hearts (15/8/24)