#1113. Now faith is… (2/8/24)
#1112. The Spirit gives power, love and self-discipline (1/8/24)
#1111. Faith acts like Jesus has all authority (31/7/24)
#1110. Caleb had a different spirit (30/7/24)
#1109. Let’s go over (29/7/24)
#1108. Go on being filled with the Spirit (26/7/24)
#1107. Digging cracked cisterns (25/7/24)
#1106. Come to me all who are weary (24/7/24)
#1105. Jesus is our Sabbath rest (23/7/24)
#1104. Six days of work and one for rest (22/7/24)
#1103. Zeal for your house consumes me (19/7/24)
#1102. What our mindset reveals (18/7/24)
#1101. Have the same mindset as Christ (17/7/24)
#1100. God’s concerns or human concerns? (16/7/24)
#1099. Get behind me Satan! (15/7/24)
#1098. Help others to find their strength (12/7/24)
#1097. For me to live is Christ (11/7/24)
#1096. Love like the morning mist (10/7/24)
#1095. Nothing can hinder the Lord from saving (9/7/24)
#1094. Rejoice and take refuge (8/7/24)